Halloween 2020

A place that has been near and dear to my heart throughout my life has been the Tivoli Gardens in Copenhagen. I’ve been coming there since I was a little kid, and as a dirt old codger I still love coming there. One thing they have now that they didn’t when I was a kid, is Halloween. The whole place is decked out with pumpkins, skeletons, and a boatload of other spooky decorations. This year they’ve gone all out, and converted part of the gardens into a cemetery, complete with live actors scaring the beejezus out of kids and adults alike. Having gone there one evening with my friend Oliver, we certainly got a few shots in the bag, but didn’t quite feel we were completely done. So we wrote to Tivoli and asked we might come again and have a proper look. Luckily for us they agreed, and even lets us spend an hours time with the actors during their dress and make-up. These are the images it resulted in.